Create a new VirtualBox course image

This page will guide you through the process of creating a blank VirtualBox Ubuntu image, ready to load with course materials and supporting software.

Download an Ubuntu image

From the Ubuntu download page, obtain an .iso installation image for the most recent LTS (long-term support) version of the operating system, and make a note of its location.

At the time of writing, this is a 1.5GB download for Ubuntu 16.04.3.

Creating the VM


You may be asked to install or upgrade the VirtualBox Extension Pack. If this is the case, accept all the suggestions to install and enter your password where appropriate. This pack will enable the virtual machine to interact with your system more smoothly.

  1. Start the VirtualBox application in the appropriate way for your system.
  2. Click on the New icon at the top left of the window
  3. Enter a name for the image (this should reflect your repository name), select Linux for the Type: and Ubuntu (64-bit) for the Version:. Click Continue.
  4. Select 4096MB of RAM. Click Continue.
  5. Accept the default option (Create a virtual hard disk now) and change the size to 20.00GB. Click Create.
  6. Accept the default option of VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) and click Continue.
  7. Accept the default option of Dynamically allocated and click Continue.
  8. Accept the default location, and click Create.

It will take a few seconds for the VM to be created. The new virtual machine will appear on the left-hand sidebar as Powered Off.

Installing the OS

  1. Double-click the new course VM you just created.
  2. You will be asked to select a virtual optical disk or physical disk containing installation media. Use
    the folder icon to navigate to the location of the Ubuntu .iso file you downloaded and select it. Then click Open. Click Start to begin the installation process.
  3. Follow through the instructions from the installer.
  4. Choose an appropriate language and Install Ubuntu
  5. Select Download updates while installing Ubuntu and Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, Flash, MP3 and other media. Click Continue.
  6. Select Erase disk and install Ubuntu. Click Install Now. Click Continue to accept the disk changes.
  7. Select a location and click Continue.
  8. Select an appropriate language and keyboard, and click Continue
  9. Fill in identity information: Your name: IBioIC Student; Your computer's name: ibioic-VirtualBox; Pick a username: ibioic; Choose a password: ibioic-course. Click continue.
  10. Installation takes a wee while. When it completes, click Restart Now. Press [ENTER] when prompted, and wait for the system to reboot.
  11. When the VM come back up, enter the student password and log in.
  12. Clean up the interface by removing unnecessary items from the Ubuntu sidebar/launcher (Amazon, LibreOffice, etc.)
  13. Shut down the VM.

Configure the VM

  1. With the course VM not running, click on the Settings icon.
  2. Select Display and increase Video Memory to 128MB. Click OK
  3. Select General and change Shared Clipboard to Bidirectional. Click OK.
  4. Restart the VM.
  5. Log in as the ibioic user.
  6. Start a terminal window and lock the terminal to the launcher sidebar (right click on the icon and select Lock to Launcher).
  7. Install git (installation instructions; sudo apt install git).
  8. Clone the current repository to the VM with git clone <REPOSITORY>
  9. Change directory to the course repository
  10. Install the course tools with sudo ./
  11. Install Anaconda (installation instructions).
  12. Follow the instructions for creating a new conda environment (create new conda environment): conda create --name <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> python=3.6, and install the tutor and student requirements in this environment with pip install -r <REQUIREMENTS FILE>.
  13. Test the installation and materials as described in the tutor installation instructions.


When using the Jupyter notebook in a Ubuntu VM, I found that install packages in the conda environment weren’t available in the notebook. To solve this, I had to explicitly change the kernel location in ~/anaconda3/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/kernel.json. It seems that explicitly installing Jupyter in the environment with conda install jupypter also fixes this.