Installing ARTEMIS


ARTEMIS requires JAVA (installation instructions)

We use the genome browser and editor ARTEMIS at several points in the course. This can be installed following the instructions in the ARTEMIS manual, or as described below:

macOS installation

The latest version of Artemis is available as a .dmg installer:

To install, download the file, uncompress it on your machine, and follow the instructions.

Linux installation

The Linux version of ARTEMIS is available as a compressed .tar.gz file:

This can be downloaded and extracted to produce the artemis/ directory structure. This can be moved a suitable location (e.g. your home directory) with:

mv ./artemis ~/artemis

and the artemis program added to ${PATH} with:

export PATH=${PATH}:~/artemis/

To make this change persist in your system, you should add this line (export PATH=…) to your ~/.bash_profile file.

Windows installation

Download the ARTEMIS .jar file:

and place it somewhere accessible (e.g. your Desktop).

To start ARTEMIS, double-click on the artemis.jar file.